Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A bed for the night.

Right then, the bed manager has spoken and my bed awaits. It feels a bit too real now and I've got the shakes. Luckily Neville is lying so completely across my arms as I'm typing that I can only move the end of my fingers, so I can't actually shake.

I have been busy today, bought some new pyjama bottoms and a travel toothpaste for the occasion, and have been studiously ignoring my list of important things to do. Except the council tax bill, I did that.

But the time has come. I need to have a shower and pack. And then get myself to King's. Here we go.

I wish I didn't have to.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck Jen, will be thinking of u and keeping everything crossed for the best possible outcome xxx

  3. Good luck Jen, will be thinking of u and keeping everything crossed for the best possible outcome xxx
